Prof Ibrahim Lipumba
Dar es Salaam. Civic United Front (CUF) leadership council has stripped off party’s membership eight Special Seat Members of Parliament and two ward councilors for misconduct.
The announcement was made by Prof Ibrahim Lipumba, CUF chairman, who is recognised by the Registrar of Political Parties.
Speaking to reporters at the party’s headquarters today, Prof Lipumba said the eight MPs are among ten MPs, who were summoned for disciplinary hearing on Tuesday but failed to appear.
According to Lipumba, only two MPs wrote to the leadership council explaining why they will not be able to attend the meeting.
He added that the party has already submitted documents to the Speaker of National Assembly and Registrar of Political Parties to notify them of the decision.
Those who have been sacked are Salma Mwasa, Raisa Abdallah, Riziki Shaali, Halima Mohamed, Severine Mwijage and Miza Bakari.
He warned CUF members to adhere to the party’s constitution if they don’t want to be punished.
“We are not afraid of anyone… as CUF members we are supposed to adhere by and support our constitution,” he said.
Prof Lipumba added that the other two MPs will be summoned by the party’s leadership council to give explanation on allegations facing them.
Prof Lipumba said the party leadership committee will summon other party members, who are violating its constitution, who include party secretary general Mr Maalim Seif Shariff Hamad.
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