Saturday, March 15 2025


Dar es Salaam. The Speaker of National Assembly Mr Job Ndugai has confirmed to have received a letter from Civic United Front (CUF) outlining sacking of its eight special seats Members of Parliament.

The letter has been written by Prof Ibrahim Lipumba led faction. It tells the Speaker that the eight have been stripped of their membership due to misconduct and breach of the party constitution.

In a statement released to the media Mr Ndugai said CUF Prof Lipumba sent him a letter on Monday.

Mr Ndugai says in the statement issued Tuesday that he was weighing the issue before making his decision known.

The eight MPs accused of, among other things, breaking section 83 (4) and (5) of partys’ constitution.

Meanwhile, the Registrar of Political parties, Judge Francis Mutungi, indicated that he has not received such a letter.

He said once he receives it he will make his decision known p0ublicly.

“We usually provide official public communication whenever we want to make something public. In this case, I cannot say anything for now until the documents are received and reviewed,” he said.

On Monday Prof Lipumba told a press conference that the party has had already submitted documents to the Parliament Speaker and Registrar of Political Parties to notify them of the decision.

Wasiliana Nasi Simu/WhatsApp 0753 336 000

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