Step one: quit smoking
Smoking is known to reduce fertility in men and women. It's also dangerous for your baby if you're still smoking when you conceive. 

If you haven't kicked the habit yet, why not help each other to give up using our quitting hints and tips?
Step two: exercise together
Getting fit is a great way to boost your fertility. If you're not used to exercising, start by building more movement into your day. For example, you could try getting off the bus a stop earlier, or taking the stairs instead of the lift. You may also enjoy going to a dance class together, or taking up jogging.
Step three: eat healthily
Food and fertility are linked. If you both stick to a healthy, balanced diet, you may be able to boost your chances of conceiving. Find out the best foods to eat for men and women who are trying for a baby.
Step four: relax!
Trying to conceive can be stressful. Unfortunately, too much stress may make it more difficult to conceive for both men and women, so try to take it easy when you can. Give each other a soothing massage, try some deep breathing exercises, or just enjoy a fun meal out. Whatever helps you feel calm and relaxed!
Step five: cut down on booze
Alcohol can harm your baby if you drink too much after you conceive, especially in the early weeks before you realise that you're pregnant. Heavy drinking can also reduce fertility in men. So it's best if both you and your partner avoid alcohol, or at least cut down, as soon as you start planning to have a baby.
Step six: keep 'em cool!
When testicles get too hot, the sp3rm they produce suffers. Sitting for long periods, using laptops on laps, and working in hot environments can all affect sperm production. It has even been suggested that tight underwear contributes to fertility issues, though there isn't much evidence for this. If you're hoping to be a dad, putting your laptop on a table and wearing loose-fitting boxers could make a difference.
Step seven: take a break together
A holiday or even a long-weekend getaway can be just what you need to relieve stress, and enjoy some relaxing time together. In fact, some parents swear that their "conceptionmoon" was the key to getting pregnant. Some travel companies even specialise in creating the perfect baby-making breaks

Wasiliana Nasi Simu/WhatsApp 0753 336 000

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