Differences in relationships are something that normally happen and there are relationships without differences.

When people who are in the difference are better acquainted with these principles.

1. Identify the word sorry
The wrongdoer then asks for forgiveness that does not blame him or her. Relationship in relationships is not the best way to finish your differences.

The behavior of removing the grace is not good
Others are quite different in thinking they are solving their differences .... others specifically talk, some of them eat and worse, especially for others, especially for intercourse, which are the key pillars in relationships.

3. Stroke from the bedroom to relax in the bed
The controversy you left in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom and not go out. ... in the relationships strive to sympathize and resolve their own differences and more the bed should be a mediation platform and not otherwise.

4. One must accept injury so that one can have peace
Learn to slow down (sometimes calm down) will help you to restore peace in your relationships. Do not raise a voice when you see your partner and he's up and down and angry. By pursuing peace it will only return.

5. Leave the idea of ​​getting rid of it
This is your most rewarding and not damaging. You agreed and agreed to establish a relationship. Do not break down the relationships that you built for a while and bigger for a very small thing. Divorce has never left anyone safe.

6. Forgive, Release and Treat a partner
There is no one perfect in this world. We all have a weekness when you see the relationships that they have been aware of that they have grown up with a high level of tolerance and mutual care.

7. Create a routine of worship together
We all know the great mediator is God. So when you connect your hands together and call God to help you certainly become a safe place than you do otherwise. Reliable relationships do not always strike.

Wasiliana Nasi Simu/WhatsApp 0753 336 000

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