Kibiti. Widows in Kibiti District who lost their spouses in recent deadly attacks, would soon move into their own houses after the Kibiti MP, Ally Seif Ungando, promised to construct new houses for them. 

The MP made the statement on Sunday in a meeting that took place at the offices of the Kibiti District Commissioner involving religious leaders and elders about praying for the district’s peace.

Besides constructing the houses, Mr Ungando pledged to pay school fees for all the their children whose fathers have been killed by the unknown assailants from May 2016 todate.

He said they have already started communicating with various stakeholders to support him in his mission to construct the houses.

Emotional Mr Ungando could not prevent shedding tears when he spoke about this.

He said he was greatly hurt and saddened whenever he went for burial of a local government leader or a CCM member, who became victim of the killings. He has remained silent all this time because of the pain he was feeling, he said.

Speaking at the meeting, the Kibiti District Chief Sheikh, Juma Mlindo, said it was now time for all residents to come together and pray for the district, including neighbouring Rufiji and Mkuranga Districts, so that peace and sobriety could be restored.

One of the widows, whose husband was killed last year, Ms Mwajuma Mustafa, said it would be a big consolation to them to be given houses and school fees for their children.

Ms Mwajuma’s husband, who was chairman of Nyang'undu hamlet in Nyambunda Village, was shot dead on December 6, 2016 by unknown people while on his way back home.

Wasiliana Nasi Simu/WhatsApp 0753 336 000

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