The girl's sister, aged five, is in hospital for reconstructive surgery following repeated defilement by the same suspect.

The suspect, currently in remand in Machakos County, was arrested in Kalama last week. He was initially charged with defiling his younger daughter and was waiting to face more charges after the older one's pregnancy.

The two siblings were left in their father's care after their mother fled following persistent domestic quarrels.

Children's protection officers said the two children may have been defiled for two years before they were rescued.

According to Machakos Sub-County Children's Officer Emily Kimanzi, the two minors were rescued from their home in Machakos town early this year and taken to child rescue centres in Nairobi and Limuru.

Last week, The Standard visited a children's home in Nairobi's Runda estate, where the teenage girl had been receiving prenatal care before going into labour and delivering a baby boy in hospital.

Death threats

The girl narrated how her father repeatedly defiled and threatened her with death should she disclose the matter to anyone.

She said he only stopped defiling her after learning that she was three months pregnant.

At that point, she said, her father turned on her five-year-old sister and started defiling her.

But her biggest worry is how she and her sibling will deal with the future in the absence of their parents.

"Our lives have been completely destroyed. We don't know where to go and how we will continue with our education. We wish our parents would reunite and bring us up in love just like other children," she said.

According to Ms Kimanzi, the two minors had been living with their father after their mother ran away from home in 2015.

She asked members of the public to be on the lookout for similar cases and report the slightest suspicions to Government authorities.

"In most of these cases where children are abused, it is common to find that the mother figure is missing and that is why we are calling on society to be extra vigilant to identify and report such matters to the authorities," she said.

Medical tests

She said the two girls had counselling as well as medical tests at the rescue centres to restore their physical and emotional health.

The suspect was first arrested and detained at Katuaa Police Post near Konza before being taken to Machakos where is currently in police custody awaiting more charges.

Social workers are gathering more information about the defilement to find out why the case took so long to be detected and reported.

"We expect the case to proceed in court once all the information is compiled," said Kimanzi.

Wasiliana Nasi Simu/WhatsApp 0753 336 000

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