ACT-Wazalendo Ideology, Communication and Public Relations secretary, Mr Ado Shaibu, addresses a press conference in which the party condemned Police for using extraordinary force when dealing with disabled in Dar es Salaam last Friday.
The reactions follows a video clip showing Police manhandling and beating some of the disabled people who were gathering at the City centre for peaceful demonstrations.

Dar es Salaam. Police handling of disabled people in Friday in Dar es Salaam has earned the law enforcers condemnation from ACT-Wazalendo.

The reactions follows a video clip showing Police manhandling and beating some of the disabled people who were gathering at the City centre for peaceful demonstrations.

Addressing a press conference today, ACT-Wazalendo Ideology, Publicity and Public Communication Secretary, Mr Ado Shaibu, urged the Minister for Home Affairs, Mr Mwigulu Nchemba, to come out and apologise after people under his watch used unreasonable force against disabled people.

"The actions towards the disabled people are disturbing and unacceptable. We want the government to take proper steps to fix this and ensure something like this doesn't happen again," he said.

Wasiliana Nasi Simu/WhatsApp 0753 336 000

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