Dar es Salaam. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has set aside Sh777 billion to finance development projects in Agriculture, Health and Information Communication Technology (ICT) sectors in the country.

This was said on Thursday by the co-chair of the foundation Mr Bill Gates at the State House shortly after his meeting with President John Magufuli.

According to a press statement from Presidential Communication Directorate (PCD) among other things the donation aims at reducing infant mortality rate, malaria eradication and fight against malnutrition.

Mr Gates, who is in the country since Tuesday, said the fund would also help to increase production of raw materials, improve the livestock keeping as well as installing modern system of accessing information.

He also expressed his satisfaction on economic development tha country achieved under President John Magufuli administration.

On his part, President Magufuli thanked Mr Gates for the donation and his support on implementations of other development projects.

The talks was also attended by minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Dr Charles Tizeba and Ms Ummy Mwalimu, minister of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children.

Wasiliana Nasi Simu/WhatsApp 0753 336 000

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